To our investors,
CROOZ, Inc. was established on May 24, 2001 and listed its shares on the
JASDAQ Standard Index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on February 14, 2007.
Later, in May 2018, we adopted a group management framework, making CROOZ,
Inc. a holding company and converting its businesses into subsidiaries. Since
our founding, we have also changed our core business more than six times.
Despite these transitions, over our approximately 20 years of management, we
have achieved sales growth on 17 different occasions and have generated profit
for 17 consecutive years. We have also had the opportunity to develop a wide
variety of businesses in the IT industry.
For the time being, we will focus on our system engineering services (SES) business, which primarily aims to solve the market challenge of engineer shortages in the IT human resources industry. We will continue to expand our business in the “human resources x IT domain” with IT outsourcing as our main business, and strive to further enhance our corporate value.
In closing, I kindly ask our stakeholders for their continued support.